Interview with Tadeusz Pietrucha, Bio-Tech Consulting CEO, main BioForum organizer
strony wersji drukowanej: 4-5
strony wersji drukowanej: 4-5

The BioForum - Central European Forum of Biotechnology and Innovative is a great way to discover an impressive potential of biotechnology in Central Europe. Today the strongest centers of innovative biobusiness are located in United States and Asia. Biotechnology industry also becomes more and more important sector of economy in South America, particularly in such countries like Brazil, Argentina and Chile. The BioForum is becoming the center of innovative biobusiness that integrates all the activities of biotechnology companies and the science-research teams of Central Europe. The partnership within Central Europe dynamically speeds up the development of innovative biobusiness in particular countries of this region, as well as it makes the region more attractive for the global biotechnology leaders. The BioForum constantly attracts the investors and the companies with the most promising growth potential. It also gathers the part of the science society that is innovative and creative, yet wide open for any kind of partnership.
We interviewed Tadeusz Pietrucha, Bio-Tech Consulting CEO, main BioForum provider, about his point of view on the BioBusiness and Biotech sector in Central European countries.
Can you tell me about the origin of The BioForum?
We started in 2000, almost 12 years ago. At the beginning BioForum was some kind of a meeting platform for both scientists and businessmen, and this event was limited only to Polish biotech community. Nowadays we are doing our utmost to build really strong business network between biotechnology enterprises within Central Europe region and the rest of the world.
Why is the networking in biosector important?
Attracting the most important entrepreneurs from the U.S.– the country with the biggest biotech sector market - is our essential critical mass. True potential resides in joint actions, so we are trying to connect businessmen from Central European countries. We have common history similar experiences and we have to face the same problems. If we cooperate we will be attractive for the leading world’s players from biotechnological sector. Bioforum is the largest such event in Central Europe right now. The main purpose of this event is to create Central European biotech community. To accomplish this challenge we need to connect the business oriented scientists from our region.
BioForum promotes an unique opportunity to make business contact. It is called BioPartnering. What is BioPartnering in your opinion?
There is no business if you don’t have good personal contact with your business partner. The main problem is that biotechnology is not as popular as other, often more profitable ventures. Finding a proper associate is difficult because the search area extends all over the world. BioForum is the place where everyone who is interested in doing business in the biotech sector and everyone who reckons that Central Europe is the right place to do it, can meet themselves. For the small companies from this region BioForum is the best solution to find appropriate biobussines partners.
Why do you think that Central European countries have potential in biosector?
In Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and other countries from CE region biotech sectors are on the similar level of growth. We are convinced that there is no chance to promote and develop this sector in Central European countries separately. Joint actions are a guarantee of success, both in business and marketing. The first level of partnership is when the company starts to provide special services to other companies from the region. Although I believe that this level has been reached, there is still much more to achieve.
So BioForum helps in mentioned actions and determines a way to show the world Central European countries’ joint business potential, doesn’t it?
Exactly. Bioforum is a way to show the world our joint business potential. Together we can reach for more. I am sure that the biggest biotechnology enterprises are still looking for new technologies, fresh innovative ideas and thereby new partners or outsourcing providers. Bioforum is the perfect place where they can find it and catch the opportunities hidden in Central Europe.
Tomasz Sznerch
Chief editor,